
Ilmenite is an oxide mineral with composition Fe2Ti4O3. It was first discovered in the Manaccan Valley (Cornwall, England). It is an opaque mineral, iron-black in color and metallic or submetallic luster. In reflected light it acquires a gray color with a brownish tint.

Ilmenite is the main ore to obtain metallic titanium. Small amounts of titanium combined with certain metals give rise to light, durable and highly resistant alloys. These alloys are used to manufacture a wide variety of high-performance parts and tools, such as aircraft parts, artificial joints in humans, and sports equipment.

Well-crystallized specimens have been found in numerous locations. Among them it is worth highlighting Russia, in the Ilmen mountains (Ural) and the Lovozero massif (Kola peninsula); Norway, in Arendal (Aust-Agder); the United States, in Newcomb (New York); and​ Mexico, in Chiapas and Oaxaca.