
Zircon is a zirconium silicate mineral with a chemical composition of ZrSiO4. It is common throughout the world as a minor constituent of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. It is a popular gemstone that has been used for nearly 2000 year 

Zircon is often a coproduct at mining/processing operations where ilmenite and rutile are being mined for titanium. Industrial-grade zircon, it is mined from land- and marine-based deposits of alluvial origin in many parts of the world: Australia, South Africa, China, Indonesia, Mozambique, India, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Brazil, Kenya and several other countries. Finally, Zircon serves as the primary ore of zirconium metal. Zirconium is used in a variety of metal products that require a resistance to heat and corrosion. It is used to make high-performance alloys, specialty steel, lamp filaments, explosive primers, computer equipment and many electronics components.